History of HJBS

On March 3, 2009, when P. Puspa was in a Bible School in Spirit of Faith Church, Nagaland India. He received a vision from the Lord to start two months bible school to reach out Bhutanese refugee churches of east Jhapa Nepal with the word and the Spirit of God.

He was noticeably young boy to receive the call of God, second thing he was very confused about his call. He shared it with his Pastor and friends, who encouraged him and helped him to understand the call of God in his life. As a young boy and because of burning desire in his heart to do something for the Lord, with his team, they started Heart of Jesus Bible School from January 2, 2010, to March 4, 2010.

His Pastor and friends helped him to grow, and to reach Bhutanese Refugees camp with word of God and Spirit of God through this Bible School. They experienced Love and grace of God. They impact 400 and plus young people of Bhutanese Refugee camps through this Bible School and through conferences. God proved that He could perform miracles through this Bible school. They did not have enough resources, sometimes it was very difficult for them to buy toothpaste, but God Himself supplied all the needs of this Bible school and provided everything they need. 2010 to 2012, they had Heart of Jesus Bible school in Bhutanese Refugee camp.

After arriving in Canada in December 12, 2012, Pastors Puspa and Tila started to pastoring Carrefour Nepali Church from 2013 to 2015, they continued with vision of discipleship the body of Christ.

God has Blessed people who attended this Bible schools and many lives has been changed for the Glory of God. Graduates of this Bible school are serving God in Canada, USA, Australia, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Qatar, Malaysia, Dubai, UK, Singapore. Thank God for His faithfulness and Grace.